Monday, November 11, 2013

Summit Street Pumpkin Art K-3

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Students in Kindergarten through third grade have been studying pumpkins over the last weeks and in the process have learned some new art skills. Second and third grade created a Batik pumpkin and also learned about the textile art form known as batik and its origins. We discussed where Indonesia is and looked at real batiks form that region of the world. we also looked at Google Earth to see how far away Vermont is from this tropical location. The process for their art required them to make a drawing which would be outlined in chalk. These lines would remind students to not color over these parts with oil pastels. They then colored everything in very heavily with the oil pastels. Now the fun began as students painted over their entire drawing with black India ink. we waited a few minutes for the ink to soak into the non oil pastel areas of their paper and then washed the ink off in the sink. The kids loved this big reveal and it made for a very unique effect.
Kindergarten and first grade loved making Midnight Pumpkins. they learned how to draw pumpkins and then to paint them they were only given the primary colors, red, blue and yellow. They had to mix colors to make orange and green so the room was full of aha moments as they created their own colors for the first time!
After they dried the students then cut out their pumpkins and leaves and glued them to black backgrounds. They then added white highlights to the pumpkins and added vines, moons and stars. 

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