Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CML Brainstorm #2

My first idea is to join forces with my librarians to create maker spaces in each of the school learning centers where I work, due to my shifting schedule. My second idea is to either create a space using bookshelves in my grade 4-5 art room because there is more space and the other idea is to create a maker cart. By using a series of bins and keeping materials organized I could have it available in the art room for students to pull out or I could also move it to other classrooms. In my grades K-3, Summit Street School the art room is extremely small with no additional storage so this is my bigger challenge. I read in one post where an art teacher does a maker cart with the idea that classroom teachers sign it out and you keep track of consumables by having an inventory list of materials used and hopefully teacher fill out the form to keep the inventory of materials current. I am not sure how feasible this plan is given experience with sign out calendars for technology carts.

I know give my personality I am a bit of an organizational freak (for an art teacher) so trying to maintain a cart that others use and perhaps not keep up with posting materials used might make me a little crazy...being honest:-) I know with anything new people have to get used to new routines and trained. Any suggestions?

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