Monday, January 2, 2017

Third Grade Arts Integration with Weather and Maps

Third Grade classes were learning about extreme weather around the world as well as maps. This unit integrated science and social studies concepts, as well as design, which proved to be a great example of  STEAM learning. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). Students graphed weather in their assigned region of the world and then with that information they proceeded to the map making phase. Each  group looked at different types of maps and how they can represent different information. They then in their small groups created a color map of their region which would also include weather symbols. These maps were then used with Mr. Davidson as a backdrop for the green screen filming of a weather report done in the video lab space at Fleming.
 The second half of the unit had students exploring different types of houses and how they are engineered for different extreme weather. For the next two weeks in arts integration the art room looked like a cross between a recycling center and construction site as students began designing and building their structures. Each team had to build for specific extreme weather conditions found in the region they learned about. The finale included all three classes having their structures tested in the gym with everything from wind, extreme cold and heat, as well as flooding. This type of project based learning is very engaging for all students due to its hand on nature and real world connections. 

Radial Design Meets Origami in 5th Grade

This stunning project had kids creating many different types of origami folds while creating radial symmetry. Students realized as they created symmetry with color and different folds that sometimes the negative space left on the black background was equally important to the overall design. This lesson was also an example of relief sculpture as many of the folds used had a 3D quality.